Astrological Services:
Appointments are typically sixty minutes over the phone, Facetime, Skype, or in person. Cost $110.
Natal (birth) Chart
Understanding your Natal chart is an invaluable opportunity to learn about yourself and why you see life the way you do and how it differs from the way others see life. You will learn your greatest strengths, your mode of operation in the world, your preferred emotional style, and prominent life patterns. This reading includes a personality profile and an overview of current trends (transits).
Solar Return
What makes this year any different from any other year? A Solar Return chart typically performed near your birthday is created when the earth returns to the exact position where it was at the time of your birth (after traveling 584 million miles around the Sun). Although the Sun arrives on your birthday, it rarely returns to the exact position at the exact time of birth. This discrepancy creates a different chart for this particular year. A Solar Return chart highlights what energy you will be swimming in this year. It is read as a Natal Chart but it shows trends for this specific year.
How come you seem just to “click” with some people and not others? Comparing two charts for compatibility helps you examine how significant partners relate to you. Understanding how you and your partner operate in relationship creates an environment where you can improve communication, create greater compassion, and recognize predominate patterns in your relationship.
Appointments are typically sixty minutes over the phone, Facetime, Skype, or in person. Cost $110.
Natal (birth) Chart
Understanding your Natal chart is an invaluable opportunity to learn about yourself and why you see life the way you do and how it differs from the way others see life. You will learn your greatest strengths, your mode of operation in the world, your preferred emotional style, and prominent life patterns. This reading includes a personality profile and an overview of current trends (transits).
Solar Return
What makes this year any different from any other year? A Solar Return chart typically performed near your birthday is created when the earth returns to the exact position where it was at the time of your birth (after traveling 584 million miles around the Sun). Although the Sun arrives on your birthday, it rarely returns to the exact position at the exact time of birth. This discrepancy creates a different chart for this particular year. A Solar Return chart highlights what energy you will be swimming in this year. It is read as a Natal Chart but it shows trends for this specific year.
How come you seem just to “click” with some people and not others? Comparing two charts for compatibility helps you examine how significant partners relate to you. Understanding how you and your partner operate in relationship creates an environment where you can improve communication, create greater compassion, and recognize predominate patterns in your relationship.